Wilson Ultra 100L V4 The Wilson Ultra 100L V4.0 Bright Neon Blue is a lightweight version of an Ultra classic, but it doesn't sacrifice performance and power. Wilson gives the Ultra V4.0 a bright blue color, new FortyFive construction that provides even more stability and comfort. The 100L also relies on new geometry that increases the sweet spot, adds power and reduces mass for a sleek and ergonomic design. In addition to plant-based components that keep the Ultra 100L sustainable, this racquet gets a stunning design that creates excitement in different shades of blue, depending on the light.
Wilson Clash 100L V2Lightness and flexibility - these are the characteristics that define the Clash 100L V2.0 in its eye-catching Bright Series paint. And with that, it fits perfectly into Wilson's Clash racket series. The unparalleled blend of flexibility and stability comes from the unique FortyFive carbon construction. Plus, the Clash 100L offers easy maneuverability and lightness - which means more comfort. Let's also not forget the revised frame design, which gives the Clash 100L V2.0 a much larger sweet spot, compared to its predecessors. We say these are all good reasons to choose the Wilson Clash 100L V2.0!
Wilson Burn 100 V5For players who like to play from the baseline, Wilson's Burn 100 V5.0 is just the ticket. The only Burn frame in the range with a traditional 16 x 19 string pattern, this tennis racket packs a powerful punch and, in its bright orange color, also shines brightly on the court. The lightweight frame is made of carbon fiber with increased frame stiffness that releases plenty of pace on contact. The 100 V5.0 Bright is finished in a bright orange that will turn heads on the court.
Wilson Blade 100L v8With the Blade 100L V8.0 Bright in its vibrant green color, Wilson creates an innovative racket that enhances the features of the Blade V8 range and presents a lighter and more maneuverable racket. The two innovations that make the Blade so special: the FortyFive carbon construction, which offers a perfect blend of flexibility and stability and, secondly, DirectConnect - which connects the carbon fiber handle to the end cap and promises an even better feel and torsional stability. And to top it off, its dynamic paint job catches everyone's eye! The Wilson Blade 100L provides more connection to the ball and not only fans of the Blade series will appreciate this innovative and arm-friendly racket.
Wilson Clash 100L V2Lightness and flexibility - these are the characteristics that define the Clash 100L V2.0 in its eye-catching Bright Series paint. And with that, it fits perfectly into Wilson's Clash racket series. The unparalleled blend of flexibility and stability comes from the unique FortyFive carbon construction. Plus, the Clash 100L offers easy maneuverability and lightness - which means more comfort. Let's also not forget the revised frame design, which gives the Clash 100L V2.0 a much larger sweet spot, compared to its predecessors. We say these are all good reasons to choose the Wilson Clash 100L V2.0!
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